Karoline Vik Hegge (viola) & Finn Magnus Fjell Hjelland (piano)
DonkeyJam plays contemporary music, and experiments with improvisation and electronics. They are regularly commissioning and premiering new works of young composers, and are constantly striving for new ways to express themselves.
The duo believes that new music should connect with the audience, and create an informal atmosphere at their concerts. Their music, which has a variety of style and expression has been performed at The Avgarde,Bergen´s concert series for contemporary music, Bidrobon music series at Drivhuset, Oslo and concerts at Hornemansgården, Rådhussalen and at Trondheim Art Museum in Bispegata.
DonkeyJam has collobarated with artists including Paul Beckett (UK), Heidi Law (Hong Kong), Vvzela Kook (Hong Kong), Ruud Roelofsen (The Netherlands) and Émilie Girard-Charest(Canada)